Halloween is nearly here, and although trick-or-treating has been cancelled due to the ongoing situation, many people still plan to have Covid-safe celebrations this October with their family and loved ones.
With this being the case, there is no doubt that you'll be tempted with a plethora of Halloween sweets and goodies, as many stores have made an effort to advertise them with sales for this upcoming holiday.

In our October newsletter, you can discover 3 alternatives to sugary sweets, find out what exactly 'Buck Teeth' are, and see our latest blogs available for your viewing pleasure.
Our Orthodontic Helpline is Still Open
If you require emergency orthodontic support, our orthodontic helpline is still open. You can reach our orthodontic helpline by calling 073 6835 8296.
3 Alternatives to Sugary Sweets
When it comes to sugary sweets, minimising the amount you eat should always be considered. However, there are a healthier alternatives that you can have to try and fend off any cravings:
Apples -
When it comes to sweets, there are no better than natures own. As apples are high in fibre, they naturally clean your teeth throughout the day until you brush later in the evening.
Citrus Fruits -
Citrus fruits have a large amount of Vitamin C, which strengthens your gums, protects against gingivitis, and can also stop your teeth from becoming loose.

Sweets With Nuts -
Sweets that come with a lot of nuts can help to counteract the damage that sticky sweets can cause. Besides being a good source of protein/fibre, they can help to separate the sticky residue that can damage your teeth over time.
If you're interested in discovering our treatment options, check out our website, or book now for a free consultation.
What are 'Buck Teeth'
'Buck Teeth', or an overbite, is when the front teeth protrude over the bottom jaw to a degree where they are visible when the mouth is closed. This is a fairly common orthodontic problem that many people choose to not get treated.
Overbites can develop into a significant orthodontic problem, and can cause issues such as breathing problems, speech impediments, and physical changes in the appearance of your face, so if possible it is recommended to get this treated early.

There are many treatments that can be used to treat overbites and realign the teeth into a more manageable position. Invisalign is an example of this, as the near-invisible aligners can be used to gradually mend the shape of the teeth.
To find out more information, take a look at our website, or book your appointment with us today.
Our Latest Blogs
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Bruxism: What is it and how does it affect me?

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