Braces vs Implants

The Background: Dealing with Missing Teeth

Spaces in the teeth caused by a missing tooth or teeth can be more detrimental than you may first imagine. The reality is that the individual who has a smile affected by these missing teeth may find it somewhat embarrassing. Those who have gaps in their teeth may avoid smiling or laughing, which can be a cause of difficulty on a personal level. Missing teeth can even have a negative impact on practical aspects of daily life, making eating and talking difficult, for example.

Orthodontic Scan

Your Treatment Options

Having gaps in the teeth is something that can be a real problem for many people, and as a result, there is a good chance that they will seek treatment to put this imperfection right. Even though losing teeth is always the cause of there being gaps in a person’s smile, there is more than one way of tackling this issue: You can have an implant or choose to have braces. While implants will be a direct replacement of the tooth that has been lost, braces (orthodontics) will manoeuvre teeth in a particular direction, leading to the closure of the space that has been left since the tooth was lost.

About Our Braces

If you decide to have braces instead of implants as a way of restoring a smile undermined by a missing tooth or teeth, then Specialist Orthodontist Harley Street can help you. We provide a number of orthodontic treatments that are specifically designed to re-shape, rebuild and revitalise your smile, all delivered by an incredibly well-experienced and skilled team of orthodontists. We have a number of treatment options, that can cater to your specific needs and requirements.


Implants, Braces and Patient Results

Implants are a popular form of treatment to replace missing teeth. Dental implants consist of a titanium rod that is inserted into the jawbone and a false tooth that remains visible on top of the gum. It has been pointed-out that having a successful implant procedure can be dependent on the quality of the provider, especially as there is a risk that low-cost dentists may provide a treatment which isn’t satisfactory. On the other hand, orthodontics can close a gap in your smile by manoeuvring the surrounding teeth such that the gap is hidden, this is known as orthodontic space closure.

With Specialists Orthodontist Harley Street, treatment for our braces and the overall process for the patient is provided by a team that boasts a superior level of skill and experience. In other words, you can rely on us to meet the expectations you have for a high-standard of professional treatment, giving you the results you want.

Braces Smile

Our Orthodontics Treatment Range

Also, with Specialist Orthodontist Harley Street’s braces, you have more choice than you would perhaps get with dental implants and are able to access treatment that feels more specific to you. Our braces come in different forms – Invisalign, Six Months Smiles and Lingual Braces, with each having its own individual merits. Plus, with all these types of treatment, impressions will be taken of your teeth before the relevant aligners or brackets and wires are created. This means that the necessary components that are used in the treatment will be made specifically for the patient; it is therefore a process that is tailor-made for you!

Contact Specialist Orthodontist Harley Street today to learn how we can help you!

Why Choose a Specialist Orthodontist?

Specialist orthodontists are dentists who have more training and experience providing orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign. Patients that receive orthodontics from a specialist find that their treatment is of higher quality, they finish treatment much sooner, and the level of care they receive is much higher.

Book a Consultation

Do you wish you had straighter teeth? If so, send a WhatsApp message by clicking here or complete the contact form below to arrange a free online consultation with our orthodontist and learn more about what we can do for you.

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